Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Crystal Meth : Midnight Killing Spree

Finished watching ATHF:MFFT and it was awesome, everybody must go and download it. even if you've never seen an episode it's still good to watch it because there's not too many in jokes.

I also saw the simpsons movie recently and all i can say is i'm not sure. i mean i liked it, some of it was funny and bart's penis was definatly a highlight. but i still don't know if i enjoyed it.

every since i knew there was going ot be a simpsons movie i knew i was going to see it purly because it was the simpsons movie, i didn't think it was going to be the best thing every and i knew it wasn't going to suck major balls. and thats exactly what it was. mediocre.

So to sum up, ATHF:MFFT > The Simpsons Movie

Monday, 30 July 2007

Salad Cream and Spares

A day probably can't begin much worse than opening fridge door and a big bottle of salad cream lands on your foot, breaks, and covers your jeans and socks in salad cream. [whats worse is i hate salad cream, it reeks.]

well the day didn't really get much better, after driving for some 15 minutes on what turned out to be a flat tire i had to change it. it was actually pretty cool, because being a beta-male [kinda gay, but not] i was able to do something extra-manly, promoting myself to a sort of limbo between the two states. [of manlyhood?]

Bonus news, i'm halfway done with the ATHF:MFFT and it's all good so far,


Sunday, 29 July 2007

Yes! You talk too fast.

i recently found a new band called johnny foriegner. they're from burmingham and need to become more famous as they rule. its like bloc part crossed with the pixies. which means its post-punk but with a kind of more random-ness to it.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

A German Tale

kinda strange this one, i was playing guitar when my amp started screaming white noise at me. i took everything apart only to realise that i could hear voices throught my amp.

now the wierd thing here is that when i crossed the input jack to the amp and the out put jack from the guitar it made the signal very strong and i could hear very clearly some german radio staion. i don't really know much about radio waves and electromagnetic forces [and seeing as i'm studying physics for 4 years i guess it would help] but what i don't understand is how crossing the 2 jacks caused the signal to become better,


Friday, 27 July 2007

Drugs Anybody?

is it bad to spend 3 hours playing computer games? is it worse that it was between 3 and 6 in the am? well whatever the answers, it was worth it. even if i did slept till 3.[pm]

Also, real news. some guy baught a ps3 on eBay and supprise supprise there wasn't a ps3 in it but ther was some €60,000. apparantly it's some sort of drugs smuggling sceme on ebay and the guy had no idea. personally i think it was genius idea to sell drugs on eBay, because nobody ever checks do they.

£rd: i noticed that on youtube some people have started posting which charachters die on which pages of the new harry potter book. its a cross breed of spam and a burn [to people reading the book obviously] one that i have dubbed spurn.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

O'reilly again

I made a post about Bill O'reilly about a week ago, but after some further probing and more research, i can officially confirm, he his a bag of douche.

now i understand that Fox news is right wing and love the republicans but really how can they allow Bill O'reilly to live. he is one of the many reasons why america is in the shit that it is. [that and the south]

everybody needs to go to youtube and watch him in action, and i can guanrantee you will never want to vote right-wing if douches like him are what we get to show from it.


Monday, 23 July 2007

Facebook; not evil?

i'm not on facebook and i don't plan on joining it. [ i feel i give away my personal information far too freely, like when people in the street ask for my credit card information] however this does not detract from my joy of finding the best facebook groups that people need to join.

People who are not legally required to wear an eye-patch group.[Genius]
Gok Wan Appreciation society.
8th Graders need to back off 9th grade guys especially other people's BF's.
Wikipedia is my crack.

Sunday, 22 July 2007


Anybody who knows me knows i am a massive smashing pumpkins fan. and when i heard they were getting back together i couldn't wait for a new album. but as the release date wasn't for another 6 months i had to. (wait)

as the months became weeks it suddenly dawned on me that the new album was going to be a great let down. after waiting 6 years for a new smashing pumpkins cd, i had very high expectations, [especially after i downloaded the entire back-catalogue]

fortunatly for the me the album is so-so, some good songs and some that really didnt nee to be there but i guess i wil learn to love them after time, i mean i didnt like the postal service at first but now given the choice i would marry "natural anthem" without a second thought.

what does upset me though is the quite obvious fact that after several years, 1 new band, 1 solo project, a total of 26 mediocre songs, the only reason billy corgan has reformed the smashing pumpkins is because no matter what songs he writes, they will be loved because there is already a massive fan base.

now heres the thinker, does it make me shallow that i cant wait to see the new smashing pumpkins songs play the old material even though i'm indifferent to the new stuff? baring in mind that the band is theoretically the same as it ever was.


Rabbit and mouse

I've been watching those videos on youtube called rabbit and mouse. incase you've not seen them, its your basic low budget (if any budget), poorly animated cartoon. and i love it. i just wish the guys making them would hurry up and make more.

they made 4 in october last year, 1 in febuary and 1 in march. so its not like they're busy or anything.

i suggest you check them out, but maybe not everybody is a big a fan of badly animated cartoons as i am.


Thursday, 19 July 2007

The O'reilly Factor

i've heard some controversy about bill o'reilly, so i thought i would actually check out his segment on FOX. and don't worry it was bullshit.

incase you haven't heard, some wwe wrestler went mentle and killed his wife and son and then hung himself. the cause is supposed to be because of steroid usage but nothing has been confirmed yet.

and this is where bill o'reilly comes back in. he was talking to an ex-wrestler and some bill o'reilly douche bag. well needless to say, whatever the ex-wrestler said was turned around by Bill because it contradicted with the point bill wanted to make about the wrestling business.

looks like FOX doesn't like rational, 2-sided arguments where each point of view is appreciated.

Good old FOX news.


Tuesday, 17 July 2007


i've suddenly realised that working truely is a more socially acceptable form of slavery. i mean, as a slave you get a house (ish) food and your able to do some things, not alot but i guess if you've never had freedom you can't miss it. but as an employee you work and get given money to spend on a house, and food, and the ability to do more things than poor-er people.

really, this whole abolishing slavery deal was just a way to add a middle man who can make money by not doing much.

which sucks.


Monday, 16 July 2007


dont really expect anything major from this, most likly this will end up being exactly like everything else i have done. there will be almost a post everyday because i know everybody will want to hear all the gossip i have to say. then by about december things will fizzle out and you'll be lucky to get a post at all.

So lets hope that doesn't happen.
