Thursday, 27 September 2007

Josh and Matt are awesome

I know i said i was going to stop talking about motion city soundtrack but this is a real story about them.

they were playing at the Leadmill, a club in sheffield, i didn't get tickets but we went afterwords just because it was a club. well 1 in the morning, we decided to go back to the halls and drink, guess who's standing outside... Josh and Matt from MCS. i went over and said hi, told them the show was great (lie number 1) and that i loved the new album (half a lie) and then got some autographs and left.

best night ever.


Tuesday, 25 September 2007


after 4 days, i am back on the internet.

it's strange, i never really thought i needed the internet but turns out i'm pretty helpless without it. i mean, i couldn't download the cover art for all m albums on itunes. torture


Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Quick as a Porcupines Hiccup

I like to think of myself as an impartial person, or at least to a certain extent, but i realised that i sometimes let things slide when really i shouldn't.

the only good example i can think of [and the one that made me have this epiphany] is the Motion city soundtrack album. one of the songs has oooo's in it, maybe not such a big deal, but lets face facts, yeah it is. but i still listen to the song because i love the sound of the Moog they use. something about the sound of that Moog lets me ignore the crappy-ness that is the words in the song.

anyway thats far too many posts about Motion city soundtrack, they may be sex-licious but thats no excuse for worshipping them, well i guess it is really, i mean who else am i supposed to look up to, kerrin?


Monday, 17 September 2007


i just thought of another one, the song London underground. thats way better than going underground,

it's not quite the same but i did hear london unerground first so it counts.


I'm used to it

You know how when you download a song or album some months/weeks before it's supposed to come out, there can sometimes be bits that are wrong in it or depending on how competent the rip-ee is even the noises of messenger alerts or usb diveces being plugged in.

well after a while you just get used to it and can even become part of the song, which is why when you get a good full quality copy it can sometimes not be as good as your crappy copy with bongs every 6 seconds.

it's a comfort thing i guess. i still listen to some crappy live recordings of songs just because they feel better.


Saturday, 15 September 2007

Even if it kills me

This is the title of the decidedly hit or miss new album from motion city soundtrack, some of the tracks are really good, bu then theres some that just seem too slow, or they just don't seem to work. that might just be me, but i'm definatly not feeling the song hello helicopter.

doesn't mean i'm not going to buy it though, infact i've already pre-ordered it with the limited edition patch. oh yeah.

anyway, the whole learn what a prposition is task didn't go to well, and infact never really left the ground. but i have a new one; when to use affect and effect.


Friday, 14 September 2007

A less than impressive outcome

It turns out that the reason my toe was numb is that it's been brewing a massive blister on the end, like i said, not very cool, i was hoping for some sort of nerve damage because my feet are upside down or something interesting. oh well.

i also managed to get a hold of the Year Zero remix album (the one remixed by fans) and its pretty good. i guess it would be considered halo 24.5. another remix album i managed to swipe a copy of is the old bloc party album, silent alarm remixed. again, fairly good but i think i prefer the original.

i also finally learned how to spell original. next task; learn what a preposition is and why i cant use them at the end of sentances.


Saturday, 8 September 2007


today is a good day, as it is the first day/the first post on/from my new laptop, which rocks.

sucks how long it takes to change my itunes library, and hopefully wont take long to do the whole ipod thang as its technically the same library just a different computer.

no more worries, everything works fine.


Friday, 7 September 2007

It doesn't rattle when i shake it

thats the official diagnosis of my i-pod. somehow after countless openings, changing the battery and nearly not being able to get the hard drive back in it still works just fine after 3 years service.

The only problem with it is that the sides stick out kinda far because of all the times i've had to lever it out of its casing.

Other good news is i managed to work out a way to put a timer on the shutdown on windows, thus allowing me to leave downloads on overnight and yet still have it turn off before i wake up.


Thursday, 6 September 2007

1 week later

its been a week since my the end of my big toe on my left foot has gone numb, i'll admit its a little wierd, bit i don't know what it could be.

apparantly its like a trapped nerve or something, which would explain why felt like pins and needles for a few days.

nothing else to mention, that is all.


Sunday, 2 September 2007

Trent Reznor Vs Michael Jackson

The Discovery of the day was made yesterday, the start of Capital G by NIN is identical to the start of The way you Make Me Feel by MJ. listen to them, it really is,

I am also very, very pissed off right now because after finally seeing the Smashing Pumpkins i know discover that at Reading 07 they played out to Cherub Rock. hjiepjbkvrwqeb Dammit im so pissed.
